Mac Basics – inQuo’s Tech Tip Tuesday Newsletter

Shiny New MacSome of you good boys and girls might have received a brand new shiny Mac under your tree.  Fantastic.  Welcome to the world of virus free internet browsing and true plug & play.  For those of you that are new to Apple, or for those wanting a refresher course, we offer this article, entitled “Mac Basics”.  Enjoy.

Desktop, Finder and Dock
  • The Desktop on a Mac is similar to the Windows operating system.  When all programs and windows are closed or minimized, the desktop is shown.  The default icon on the desktop is the Macintosh HD.  Clicking on that will allow you to view all the folders that comprise the hard drive.  You can copy files to the desktop, and create shortcuts as well.  If you insert a CD, DVD, or a flash drive, icons will appear on the desktop for those items.
  • The Finder is the application that Mac users navigate and work with the files and applications on their computer.   You can browse through applications, utilities and folders to find any programs or files you need to access.
inQuo's Tech Tip Tuesday Newsletter Mac Basics The finder icon is located on the dock.  You can also access the finder at the top of the desktop.  Finder offers search using a tool called Spotlight.
  • The Dock is the navigation bar that is at the bottom of the screen.  Quickly access files, applications and utilities by single-clicking icons on the dock.  You can create your own shortcuts, and customize the look and size of the dock.
Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Here is a list of the ten most commonly used keyboard shortcuts on a Mac
    • Apple+N : New Window.
    • Apple+T : New Tab (If the Application supports Tabs).
    • Apple+M : Minimize Window.
    • Option+Apple+M : Minimize All Windows.
    • Apple+Q : Close Application.
    • Apple+Z : Undo
    • Apple+X : Cut
    • Apple+C : Copy
    • Apple+V : Paste
    • Apple+A : Select All

System Preferences

  • System Preferences is the application used to change user and global settings on your Mac.  From changing the screen resolution, to installing a printer, and customizing the behavior of your mouse, System Preferences is where to go.
    • You can access System Preferences a number of different ways.  Click on the Apple icon on the top left hand side of the Desktop, and choose System Preferences, or click the System Preferences icon on the dock.  You can also browse to the Utilities folder in Finder and click on System Preferences there.

Once you familiarize yourself with navigating the applications and utilities of your new Mac, you will discover just how easy it is to use.  There are also many online resources that can help you.  Here are some good sites for reference:

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